What in the fucking hell.
Wow. That was excesively long and boring and at the end hardly anything is resolved. Basically it took this guy 20 minutes to walk through one door and that is the substance of the flash. The puzzles were flakey at best... it has always been my understanding that when you are a given a multiple choice question you are supposed to chose one of the choices not make up your own lame cliche answer then run with it like it makes sense.
Seriously come on, door-key. Key-door. Common sense. Plus the quirky and pathetic emoness of this loser character made me actually want him to fail, opossed to succeed. Anyone who talks to themselves, narates their own life, runs away leaving pink shirt wearing men to day and has random flashbacks about being bullied and having rocks thrown at them can't be very interesting.
This flash just seems to fail at a very deep level. The animation is so slow, that I could almost fall asleep and not miss a thing. Not to mention peiodic pointless flashbacks and countless fade to black effects, that really go nowhere. Finally this guy had sort of a William Shatner thing going where he talked so uber slow, that even though he was just rambling to himself he tried to make every word sound like he was expelling the meaning of life.
However this flash should catch on though, because it will make an awesome tangeble replacement to counting sheep.